The only reason I even dare to titillate you with my vast knowledge of love is that for several years I made my living as a professional cupid- red tights, quiver and bow, the whole nine yards! (and all in lace, brother.) I won't plunge into the details, suffice to say many a rear-end was pierced in the name of love.
But I digress. Ah, Valentine's day... where you remember your favorite love, be it a overblown spouse, a memory of a lost one, a dream of one yet to be, a pet, a child, a friend, near or far away or just your newest main squeeze. A valentine knows no sex, age or political persuasion. Because true love knows no boundaries. ( Yeah whatever ).
Valentines are wasted on the youth. True love, the kind deserving of an intricately cut paper laced heart dipped in Shakespearean prose should be reserved for the warriors of love lost or never found, the patient wall-flower dreaming of their turn to dance, the loner, tossing bottles with written hopes into the deep blue ocean, or like me, chained at the ankles to a ever menacing female love goddess. (OK it's not that dramatic).
My valentine happens to be my bride. A quick witted and beautiful soul who parlays daily with a grumpy old rant filled hubby like me. She stops to rescue forlorn looking canines on the side of the road. (much to my chagrin), converses with total strangers in the grocery store parking lot while 200 dollars worth of groceries are slowing defrosting in the trunk of the car!, works side by side with me everyday. And even enjoys several of the same things I do. She Seldom complains about anything but me, doesn't yell louder than I can drown her out with the remote, and dresses cheaply, quickly, and without remorse. And you gotta love that.
My wife, is like..........well, a......A "Dream", Yes a dream come true! Yeah you know, kinda hazy.....unbelievable at times. And if her words are recurring I should probably sit up and figure out the hidden meaning behind them.
I love my wife. She makes my life easier, she makes it better, now if I could only get her to make me dinner.